An Encouraging Word From Brian Howard

Trust me, you CAN do this

My daughter told me something profound when she attended my Job Seeker Pro Fast-Start session. She said, "Dad, I think an important part of what you're doing here is to encourage people. You know what they're going through because of your hard job searches."

Inspired by that I want to share with you some encouragement:

  • First, we all have things that are against us on the job search, make the commitment to believe overcoming them is possible and work hard to find a solution, "No" is just part of the process, it's not personal, and you learn from every interview.
  • Next, you need to understand that the application and interview experience isn't a normal time - it's a performance, like a stage.  So, we can prepare, rehearse, and take on a confident persona much like an actor- even if you don't feel confident.  Practice this like you do anything that is important.
  • Also, strong preparation will make everything go better.  A solid resume, a complete and attractive LinkedIn profile, creating examples of your work, and studying a lot for each interview- all help a lot!

Lastly, have faith, commit to hard work in spite of how you may feel, and reach out to me anytime!


Brian Howard

[email protected]